Scleral Lenses

Scleral lenses are a type of contact lens that are larger in diameter than traditional contact lenses and cover the entire cornea and the white part of the eye, known as the sclera. They are designed to provide improved vision and comfort for people with a variety of eye conditions, including irregular corneas, dry eyes, and other conditions that can make wearing traditional contact lenses uncomfortable or impossible. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of scleral lenses and who may benefit from them.

What are Scleral Lenses?

Scleral lenses are custom-made contact lenses that are designed to fit the unique shape and size of each patient's eye. They are made of a rigid, gas-permeable material that allows oxygen to reach the cornea, which is important for maintaining healthy eyes.

Unlike traditional contact lenses, scleral lenses do not sit directly on the cornea. Instead, they vault over the cornea and rest on the sclera, which helps to reduce irritation and improve comfort. The space between the lens and the cornea is filled with tears, which acts as a cushion and helps to improve vision.

Who can Benefit from Scleral Lenses?

Scleral lenses are an excellent option for people with a variety of eye conditions, including:

  1. Irregular Corneas: Scleral lenses can help improve vision for people with corneal irregularities, such as keratoconus, where the cornea is shaped like a cone instead of a dome.

  2. Dry Eyes: Scleral lenses can help keep the eyes moist and provide relief for people with chronic dry eye syndrome.

  3. High Astigmatism: Scleral lenses can provide better vision correction for people with high levels of astigmatism than traditional contact lenses.

  4. Post-surgical Eye Conditions: Scleral lenses can be used to improve vision and comfort for people who have had eye surgery, such as corneal transplants.

  5. Photophobia: Scleral lenses can help reduce sensitivity to light for people with photophobia, a condition where the eyes are extremely sensitive to light.

Benefits of Scleral Lenses

There are several benefits of scleral lenses, including:

  1. Improved Comfort: Scleral lenses are designed to provide a more comfortable fit than traditional contact lenses, making them an excellent option for people with sensitive eyes.

  2. Better Vision: Scleral lenses can provide better vision correction for people with irregular corneas, high astigmatism, and other vision problems.

  3. Protection: Scleral lenses can help protect the cornea from damage and irritation, which is especially important for people with sensitive eyes.

  4. Longevity: Scleral lenses can last for several years with proper care, making them a cost-effective option for people who need long-term vision correction.

  5. Customization: Scleral lenses are custom-made to fit each patient's unique eye shape and size, ensuring a comfortable and effective fit.

In conclusion, scleral lenses are a great option for people with a variety of eye conditions, offering improved comfort, better vision, and protection for the eyes. If you are interested in scleral lenses, talk to us to see if they are right for you.